Sep. 13, 2024 6:34 pm

Gateway Hispanic had the opportunity to be present at the closing of CPAC Mexico 2024, which ended with an important announcement regarding the political future of the Viva México Movement, led by the actor and former independent presidential candidate.

Verástegui announced the imminent formation of a political party to compete in Mexico’s upcoming elections.

The President of CPAC Mexico literally said the following:


“This is the only way we can take up space in decision-making. Soon, the restoration and new construction of Mexico’s future will begin, because, as we all know, there are only two paths: One, the myth of the fourth transformation, or two, the right path of true freedom.”

Additionally, the actor highlighted Mexico’s wealth, its culture, and its tradition, stressing that progress must not be slow. “The DNA of Mexicans shows us another path. We are not barnyard fowl. MEXICO IS A COUNTRY OF GOLDEN EAGLES, AND WE CAN FLY AS HIGH AS WE WANT—THE SKY IS THE LIMIT,” he emphasized enthusiastically.

He closed with a very inspiring phrase:

“Let’s dream big, family. I dream of a Mexico where God is at the center of our nation and where human dignity is respected. I dream of a day when no immigrant has to leave our country out of necessity or lack of opportunities. I dream of a safe and violence-free Mexico where parents don’t fear for their children’s lives. I dream of a country where we recognize that we are all equal in dignity, and where life is respected from conception to natural death.”

14 comentarios en «Eduardo Verástegui announces the creation of a new political party to run for the presidency»

  1. Bring GOD into the picture with true devotion, honor, and love and you will see how fast things can change!!!!! The Mexican people are good. Let them pour into the streets with banners and rosaries following the Eucharist in petition and repentence for the sins of their people. It was revealed that four arch-demons controlled Mexico through the child sacrifice that it practiced UNTIL the Virgin Mary appeared to Juan Diego and Mexico was converted. In an exorcism, it was revealed that NOW THE DEMONS ARE BACK BECAUSE THEY HAVE POWER THROUGH ABORTION. Repent and save your country, good people of Mexico! Pour out your hearts to God and He will hear you and heal your land.

  2. Has he started taking bribes yet? If his popularity increases enough to be a threat to the establishment, I don’t think he’ll have a choice.

  3. With God all things are possible. What you pray and speak, when your faith is grounded in the Lord God, has power to create what you dream of. Love, peace, and righteous living are part of God’s nature, and He alone has the absolute power to bring Justice, for injustice. When you want to plant your seeds of faith for a glorious harvest, trust in our Father God, Who gave us the living water of Jesus, and Holy Spirit to guide us.

  4. Señor Verástegui, sus palabras a su familia ciudadana fueron hermosas y me recuerdan al Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Yo y mis amigos guerreros de oración declararemos y proclamaremos sus deseos para México. Tienes una hermosa ¡El país y el enemigo NO PUEDEN quitarte tu primogenitura! Dios escucha tus oraciones. Que el Señor te bendiga y te guarde. El Señor hace resplandecer su rostro sobre ti. Que Él derrame su favor sobre ti y te dé paz, para ti y para tus hijos y para sus hijos y para sus hijos. Amén.

  5. Socialism, like Cancer can’t be exterminated with elections, nor aspirin.

    Socialismo , como el Cancer no se extermina con elecciones ni con aspirinas.

  6. Mexico is corrupt and run by criminals and they use their politicians for target practice. Mexico has been a problem and a liability for the US for decades. Please finish the wall so their social and political problems will at least stay on their side of la linea.

  7. If he declares war on the narcotraficantes, he is outmanned and outgunned. If he declares war on corruption, where will he find an honest politician, or bureaucrat, or soldier or cop to help him? Perhaps he needs to consult with President Bukele of El Salvador.

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