A campaign has emerged now against small businesses known as MIPYMES, where Cubans can only purchase with dollars, and everything is very expensive. However, at least in these shops, Cubans are not subjected to waiting hours under the sun to buy basic food and products like soap and toilet paper.
For Cuban people who continue to suffer from a shortage of medicine and basic necessities, these small stores at least provide a stable supply of goods.
From an economic perspective, it is a mistake to control the prices of MIPYMES because private businesses do not operate like state-run ones, and they should not be fined for adjusting their prices as necessary. But it is clear that those who do not have access to dollars depend on the state for their food.
The result of this new oppression is the disillusionment of foreign investors who might want to bring money into the country and invest in the island with their own capital. But Cubans will also continue to leave the island as soon as they can.
The relentless attempts of Marxism to manipulate the private sector never lead to growth or prosperity. On the contrary, they stifle entrepreneurial initiative, discourage investment, and impoverish the population.
The government has deployed an army of inspectors and officials dedicated to oversight, yet it insists that this is not a war against small businesses. What is certain is that they have raised resistance to these small stores, where the dollars do not pass through the hands of the communist, controlling, and oppressive regime that is in power. Small business owners are aware that they represent a threat to the dictatorship since a large portion of the dollars entering the island escapes their control.
An economist named Gustavo… believes that «when the government’s measures are analyzed coldly, it is impossible to find any economic or even political logic. Almost all of these regulations are counterproductive. In the short term, there will be an inflationary escalation. The sensible thing would be to have half a million or a million MIPYMES. The current eleven thousand are too few, a symbolic figure. There is a conceptual error: private businesses, due to the meager salaries of state sector employees and pensioners, are not designed to meet the demand of low-income people, who are the majority of Cubans.”
«It is difficult to enter a private market and see an air-conditioned, clean store with imported products of much higher quality and design than those available to the population through the ration book, and not be able to buy. MIPYMES are not the neighborhood state-owned stores. The government must remember that the private sector runs its businesses with its own money, not with public funds. These policies discourage future foreign investments and investments from Cubans abroad. Moreover, the lack of a sustainable supply of goods and services will further reduce the purchasing power of state employees and retirees, increase prices, and Cubans will continue to emigrate.”
“The right thing to do, to stop the multi-system crisis and inflation, would be to reduce taxes so that private businesses can flourish, allow foreign companies to pay their workers directly, and privatize the more than 300 inefficient state-owned enterprises. And, above all, reduce the enormous bureaucratic apparatus of the State,” concludes the economist.
Main articles on Mipymes and the original interviews to private business owners can be found at different sites such as directoriocubano.info, eldebate.com and diariolasamericas.com
Flor Elena Robledo es periodista y comunicadora con experiencia en «Sábado Gigante» y Univision, destacándose en comunicación pública y traducción simultánea. Ha enseñado periodismo, entrevistado a figuras públicas y trabajado en TUVU y MegaTv, alcanzando millones de vistas con sus historias. Posee un título en Periodismo de Radiodifusión de la Florida International University y estudios de posgrado en Periodismo en Español.
Flor Elena Robledo is a journalist and communicator with experience in «Sábado Gigante» and Univision, excelling in public communication and simultaneous translation. She has taught journalism, interviewed public figures, and worked at TUVU and MegaTv, reaching millions of viewers with her stories. She holds a degree in Broadcast Journalism from Florida International University and has pursued postgraduate studies in Journalism in Spanish.
Cuba and other Caribbean nations are economically restricted due to their lack of fossil fuels and frequent hurricanes. Cubans get their basic necessities met. Take a look at the other Caribbean nations. They are relatively poor, too.
Inés, yo no se de que Cuba usted habla, usted debe ser parte de las familias conectadas con la dictadura cubana, que se benefician de la misma para sacarle provecho a la represión que sufre el pueblo cubano desde inicios de la mal llamada Revolución cubana. Ningun cubano tiene cubierta ninguna necesidad básica, solo aquellos que forman parte del sistema corrupto de esa narco-dictadura castrista/canel que siguen sumiendo en el sufrimiento y la desesperanza a toda una nación, privándoles de libertades, de acceso a recursos mínimos y básicos, donde son reprimidos todos los derechos humanos y cívicos.
Por culpa de personas como usted que siguen engañando al mundo sobre la realidad de cuba es que la dictadura cubana nunca se va a terminar.
Ah, y por cierto, ninguna nación del Caribe que usted menciona como «relativamente pobres», incluyendo la más pobre Haití, son gobernados por dictaduras Socialistas/Comunistas/Narco-Castristas, en todas ellas hay elecciones libres y sus pueblos pueden decidir quien los gobierna, ninguno es perfecto, pero por lo menos tienen la oportunidad cívica de decidir. Bajo la dictadura cubana todos los cargos son asignados por la casta política de los castros y sus acólitos, las supuestas «elecciones en cuba» son un puro teatro.
Pudiera darle cientos de argumentos por los cuales Cuba mientras siga oprimida bajo la dictadura Castro/Canel con un sistema Socialista/Comunista/Narco-Castrista impuesto nunca, pero nunca jamás va a desarrollarse ni salir de las miserias que padece, porque eso es lo único que producen los países cuyos gobernantes son narcotraficantes, mafiosos y corruptos como aquellos que se resguardan en la izquierda que abrazan el Socialismo como sistema para reprimir y destruir naciones.
«Libertad para todos los presos políticos en cuba, y libertad para todos los cubanos» Abajo la dictadura cubana.
The Soviets did the same thing after the revolution. Those who owned small businesses or farms were called «kulaks,» and hunted down (sometimes literally).
Socialism doesn’t work, never worked and won’t work for societies, it only works for the ones in control only.
«Democracy» flourishes in Cuba. Out of 400 seats in their Congress, 400 handpicked people run for office.
This is the American style democracy that Democrats are pushing America to….and as Cuba found out, you can’t vote your way out of it.
Comrade Kalamata approves !