In opposition to Christian civilization, «wokism» admits neither coexistence nor forgiveness, creating an atmosphere that is as suffocating as it is exclusionary, fracturing society. In this context, the spoils are particularly enticing for Islamists.
Perhaps this is more evident in Europe than in America.
Nonetheless, Islamism advances, filling a spiritual void through force and with the complicity of the «elites.»
While everything that may sound Christian or Western is denigrated, Islamism is presented to us with «friendly exoticism» as something foreign to our being.
We’ve especially noticed this since the days of the «hippies» and their derivatives.
There is no logic in the alliance between «wokism» and Islamism beyond their shared hatred of Christianity and the West. And the West cannot be understood without the concept of Hispanidad or the unity of Hispanic peoples, as the Quito historian Francisco Núñez del Arco rightly points out—the first Atlantism was Hispanic, synthesized in a Catholic Monarchy that expanded across continents, whose cultural legacy we inherit.
«Wokism» has issued a totalitarian sentence (or fatwa…) on everything, even dictating how we should dress or eat. Music, humor, and so many facets of everyday life must pass through its steamroller filter.
For this reason, «wokism» seeks to silence us with fierce censorship, coupled with an oppression based on whims as fleeting as they are Orwellian.
«Wokism» is not compatible with our civilization. And so many years of «silence» have been exploited by what the Argentinians Agustín Laje and Nicolás Márquez call the «new left,» but which, in truth, is just as functional—or even more so—for many who claim to be on the «right» and don’t even tolerate the slightest dissent within the left, paradoxical as it may sound.
Given this situation, we must be realistic in our analysis and get to work to fight for what is good and true on all fronts, not just in politics; because «wokism» is a genuine weapon of mass destruction that others are already using to wipe us out.
María Herrera Mellado es una abogada de EE.UU. y licenciada en España. Doctora en Ciencias Jurídicas y Analista política. La Dra. Herrera es conocida por su amplia experiencia en análisis y consultas en el diseño de políticas públicas, propuestas de ley y gestión en relaciones internacionales.
Su reconocimiento proviene de sus contribuciones al análisis y representación legal de diversas organizaciones, empresas e individuos que han visto abusados sus derechos humanos, su privacidad o en la inclusión de políticas efectivas fundamentalmente en el ámbito de la transparencia y la rendición de cuentas, así como la lucha contra la corrupción.
Su formación académica y experiencias profesionales la convierten en una voz respetada en el debate público y en el análisis de temas de actualidad sobre todo en los desafíos políticos y legales contemporáneos.
María Herrera Mellado is a U.S.-based attorney also licensed in Spain. She holds a PhD in Legal Sciences and is known as a media legal and policy analyst.
Dr. Herrera is recognized for her extensive experience in analyzing and consulting on public policy design, legislative proposals, and international relations management.
Her recognition stems from her contributions to the analysis and legal representation of various organizations, companies, and individuals whose human rights or privacy have been violated, or who have benefited from the inclusion of effective policies, primarily in the areas of transparency, accountability, and the fight against corruption.
Her academic background and professional experience make her a respected voice in public debate and in the analysis of current issues, particularly in contemporary political and legal challenges.
Two thumbs up!
El primero atlantismo christiano no fue Español.
El primero atlantismo christiano fue el Portugues in Brasil.
Los portugueses oficializaran su descobierta del Brasil en 1500, pero antes desse ano ja enpezaran su trabajo.
Tambien en norte America los portugueses estivieran antes de los espanoles. En Canada. Por el pezcado. Colombus aprendio a navegar en Portugal. Su esposa era una hija de un navegador portugues estabelecido en el arquipelago de Azores en el Atlantico. Su mission secteta fue conducir los espanoles a las islas americanas a fim de que los espanoles creessem que estarian en las Indias, a fin de que los portugueses ficassem solos en la navegacion de Africa hasta India. Tambien los conquistadores con los portugueses non eran muy christianos. Eran pueblos de conquizta y dominio como los islamitas. La civilization europea se torno la mejor, pero esso apenas despues de muchos siglos…
Woke-ism or Wokeism is an Emotional Based System (EBS) of apriori construction ie ‘it feels good so it must be right’. All traditional religions and secular belief systems like Marxism share the characteristics mentioned in this article of exclusion, apostasy, coercive conversion and control. Protestants and Catholics laid waste to Europe in the 1600s with religious wars. Some thoughtful Europeans reacted to the slaughter and famine by countering EBS thinking by stating We Are All Equal as Humans, meaning logic and reason should be the basis of or social order and government. Government, first and foremost, is necessary to keep us from killing each other. Nor should it be the instrument of persecution based on an EBS. It is no mistake that the US Constitution Bill of Rights deals with Emotional Belief Systems in the first two statements 1 government shall not establish a religion (read EBS) and 2 everyone is FREE to believe their own EBS. This was so important these items came before freedom of speech, press, assembly or redress of grievance.
Woke-ism is an EBS, a religion in early stages of coercion. Coercion is measured in later stages in the number of deaths of either martyrs or apostates. Make no mistake Woke-ism is death. Eric Hoffer explained the nature of true believers.
Woke-ism should be treated as a religion per the First Amendment of the Constitution. It should be excluded from public institutions in the form of laws, regulations or support. It should be excluded from public education, the military or the administrative state. People are free to believe their own EBS, but not to coerce others with their beliefs.
The Supreme Court should lead the way in protecting us from Wokeism.
One of the tenets of islam is takeover. Culture wars. With a bullet.
Este es un buen articulo para la gente con mucha educacion, pero muchos latinos no cumpliaron la secundaria o cumplio con bajas calificaciones. Muchos latinos quieren escojer escuelas privadas para sus hijos, muchas veces una escuela tradicional y religioso.
Otros estan preocupados por los mojados bajando los pagos y subieron las rentas. Otros quieren menos crimenes en su ciudad. Los latinos ancianos sufren mucho por la inflacion. Yo recomiendo articulos inteligentes, pero con lenguaje sencilla y en forma comica. Los caracteres tienen que ser memorables y a veces chistosos. Tienen que demostrar como la politica MAGA le va a ayudar economicamente y proteger sus hijos de malas influencias por poner escuela privada al alcance de familias de todas clases. Tambien necesitan ensenar el dano los Democrats han hecho a la economia y a las escuelas. Espanol no es mi primera idioma o yo ayudaria.
Catholic…….yuk pee-yew. pedo central.