The independence of the United States was not achieved solely through battles like Pensacola or Mobile. Nevertheless, those battles, led by Spanish General and governor of Louisiana Bernardo de Gálvez, were of great importance. The truth is that men like Gálvez, Gardoqui, Córdova, Saavedra, Unzaga, Miralles, Leyba, and many others established an entire structure to harass the British from the Caribbean to the Mississippi. This translated from naval to commercial efforts, supplying Anglo-American colonists with all kinds of provisions and securing important victories inland.
This complex strategy was successful thanks to the economic sacrifice of many parts of the Hispanic Monarchy, from Málaga to Havana, with the participation of soldiers from present-day Spain, Mexico, Cuba, Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, Venezuela, and Peru. It also involved alliances with North American Indian nations, Africans, Acadians, and Irish, among others, forging a human melting pot that perhaps foreshadowed the future of the United States.
Today, some people around the world dare to denigrate Hispanics and label them as backward people.
Historically, both European Spain and Spanish America were lands of promise. Lands of great advances, discoveries, and innovation. Places where the first grammars were written, the first universities and churches were founded, and where human rights first originated with the Laws of the Indies, which not only protected the rights of the natives but also, thanks to Queen Isabella the Catholic, encouraged miscegenation and invited Spaniards to marry indigenous people.
Additionally, from the late 16th century to the early 19th century, Spain welcomed many Irish who fled English anti-Catholic persecution, with both the Habsburgs and Bourbons making all kinds of efforts to naturalize them on Spanish soil. Likewise, Greeks and Armenians also found their home in Spain during those centuries, fleeing from Muslims. Greeks were present in the foundations of Lima and Quito, as well as in the expeditions to Florida.
Speaking of Florida, the memory of Fort Mose still survives. This was a settlement formed in the 18th century, largely by black people who escaped from the Anglo-Saxon colonies. They were welcomed under Spanish law, and became formidable fighters against the British.
And many Creoles of French origin, as well as Franco-Canadians who were expelled by the British, found their home in Spanish Louisiana.
We need to be clear, the constant denigration and poor image or reputation that some want to use against us Hispanics through the Black Legend (this isn’t just a left-wing phenomenon) makes no sense and is not related to history or truth.
It’s quite the opposite: among Hispanics, closed-minded racial classifications don’t hold, and what has emerged over time is our cultural strength and the overcoming of contradictions.
Although there was a violent and traumatic rupture with the Hispanic Monarchy, a rupture in cultural terms has never occurred. This is precisely something that should motivate us to continue the fight into the 21st century.
Hispanics can and should be the salvation of America, but that requires honoring our past and knowing our history.
Additionally, we must reject being used as weapons of war to carry out attacks or an invasion against the nation that welcomes us and allows us to live in freedom, while socialism of the 21st century suffocates us and plunges us into misery in our own countries.
Antonio Moreno Ruiz Nacido en Bollullos de la Mitación (Sevilla, España), en 1981. Historiador licenciado por la Universidad de Sevilla, con máster en Educación Secundaria y especializado en Historia de América. Comunicador y escritor. Amplia experiencia en periodismo, así como en docencia, traducción y proyectos de formación académica y cultural. *Co-fundador de la página “Spanish Heritage”
No. God is our salvation. Talk to His Mother, Our Lady of Guadalupe!!!
spaniards are not hispanics
they’re white europeans!
americans seem ignorant of this FACT
With regard to the American Revolutionary War, the point is valid: without the presence of Galvez’s forces in the trans-Mississippi region, the victories of George Rogers Clark at Vincennes and other places between the Alleghenies and the Mississippi, might not have secured those territories to United States at the treaty talks in Paris. Galvez’s own victories, and the Spanish ability to back up the Americans east of the Mississippi, must have given the English cause to reflect, when negotiating with the American peace commissioners for a final treaty.
What does this sentence mean, exactly:
We need to be clear, the constant denigration and poor image or reputation that some want to use against us Hispanics through the Black Legend (this isn’t just a left-wing phenomenon) makes no sense and is not related to history or truth.
“Black Legend “
Spain sent the ITALIAN dude Columbus to this continent with THREE BOATLOADS of Diseases.
You mean, Saved America? Like that?
España envió al ITALIANO Colón a este continente con TRES BARCOS CARGADOS de Enfermedades.
¿Te refieres a Salvar a Estados Unidos? ¿Así?
España envió al ITALIANO Colón a este continente con TRES BARCOS CARGADOS de Enfermedades.
¿Te refieres a Salvar a Estados Unidos? ¿Así?
Even though you make some good points, there is till a problem…the day Hispanics are the majority in the USA, English will be replaced with Spanish, and the American culture will be replaced too, I repeat; the people will have been mostly replaced, their language and their culture.
How is that saving America?
Since when replacing a people, their language and culture is saving them ?
I am not saying Hispanics are bad people, I am saying replacing a people is not saving them, it is destroying them.
Comparing a Spaniard to a Hispanic is like comparing a grapefruit to a hammer.
OK, that was then, this is now, and the modern issue is that immigration has become a criminal industry and a public burden on US communities and the idiots supposedly in charge of policy and enforcement are just that, idiots. It’s pretty late in the game to play ignorant, we need to get our factual ship in one sock and dump misty-eyed rhetoric about ‘back in the day’. In the modern context, we have cross-border organized crime and we have mexico to chiefly thank for it. We also have the chinese drug trade. Who won what battle 220 years ago is nice-to-know information, does not help us today.
Excellent article.!!!
Viva la libertad, carajo.!!! Long live Freedom, damn it.!!!
Antonio, you’re a dumbass. Spaniards are not «hispanics». Also, «hispanics» aren’t saving anything…they’re ruining everything.
Guest4Ever, God has no mother. To say so is blasphemy…and Papal lies.
The common denominator is not hispanics. It is Jesus.
Conservative Hispanics, most of whom are Christian, are definitely “saving” America as are the recent increase in black males waking up to the Globalist/Deep State/Leftist take over of America and the West…hopefully it’s not too late…
Antonio, this article is highly inaccurate. Do not try to rewrite history.
«Lands of great advances, discoveries, and innovation. Places where the first grammars were written, the first universities and churches were founded,…» — What a load of horse hockey THIS is.
«Additionally, from the late 16th century to the early 19th century, Spain welcomed many Irish who fled English anti-Catholic persecution…»–Also a load of horse hockey. You have it backward. The evil Papacy persecuted the Christians. This is biblical fact.
Youngster, what is wrong with you? Your entire article is horse hockey!
This entire article is a load of horse hockey!
No! I do not need them to save me from anything. If they want to do me a favor; just stay in your lane!
Yes, Galvez (read a book about him) was a hero, which is why the Texas city of Galveston is named after him; it’s on an island south of Houston.
Is this author real? The article smells like an AI generated fairy tale. Hispanics can never be the salvation of America because they do not assimilate. They refuse to learn the language. They parade around waving the flag of their homeland and many are here illegally. Yes, some become upstanding citizens but a large portion just want to be Hispanics living in America with their ancestral culture and language.
Let’s remember, folks, that the US has many citizens of Mexican origin who are so Americanized we no longer recognize them as Mexican until they tell us they are. Mexican people make good American citizens and I’m sure other Hispanic people do, as well, but we prefer ALL people be vetted before moving here to avoid all the gangs and cartels. I also agree that no nation should be so flooded with immigration that it completely changes character. I don’t think we should celebrate that. It would never be tolerated in a non-western country. Racism in the US does not come from whites today, it comes mostly from non-whites. That means our country is being flooded with a lot of people who are racist toward us. I find this to be problematic and hope the situation will be resolved over time. Also, in response to a comment above, Columbus did not carry diseases in jars. Europeans had different diseases and the native people were not immune to them. You cannot call this a genocide. Genocide is purposeful. People coming here with an axe to grind should go home. Our people offer them a better life and they should come in gratitude or stay home.
Does the author know the difference between European Spanish and what is now called Hispanic. The » Hispanics» he is referring as saving America during our fight for independence were white Spanish from Spain, not Guatemala, Columbia, Equador, etc. Talk about rewriting history.
America needs highly skilled and educated immigrants not more ditch diggers who are only coming because of Americas generous social service programs that are non existent in the rest of the world.
«Hispanics can and should be the salvation of America…» This sounds like this was written for the sake of trolling, this cannot be real…
Those from Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, and so on, are going to bring that which they built in Mexico, Guatemala, and Honduras to wherever they live, and it’s not civilization…
And Spaniards are White. What’s raiding the United States is anything but White. The United States is a European-American country, stay in your own countries.
There is a concerted genocidal agenda against Caucasian’s (whites)
On the eve of ww1 the world had 35percent Caucasian
Non of it by accident
Nwo and unitednations and America’s uni-party and Demoncrats All push open borders..Europe and America are being destroyed…there isnt a White Illegal amongst them!!!
The Spanish brought the Holy Catholic Faith to these shores. America and Mexico would not have the true Faith without the courage and bravery of the Spanish conquistadors and explorers and the monks and priests who came with them.
I am descended from both the conquistadors and also from the Navajo, who fought each other. Thank God and Our Lady of Guadalupe, His Mother, that we have been given God’s truth.
Unfortunately things are not going well for any country right now, however it is not all the fault of the people. It is their leaders. Blaming the immigrants from Guatemala or Mexico for the invasion that YOUR government, YOUR leaders, YOUR politicians have allowed, not only now, but in previous years, is not the fault of the brown-skinned immigrant that you do not want, but who has benefited YOUR economy for decades by building YOUR houses, picking YOUR fruits and vegetables that you do not want to do. Another question, then if the Spanish who came to the US in past centuries, if he had not been white, would they have rejected him? What is the problem then? That they reject those who are not white? It is definitely not fair for the Americans to have the invasion that this government has allowed and each country must be responsible for its people and avoid this immigration that is crazy, but blaming the uneducated immigrant who is arriving will not help.
Anonymous, you’re neither honest nor decent. Hispanic means Spain.
The Spanish Reales were common in the American Colonies. The inscription on 8 Reales piece reads:
«CAROLUS III DEI GRATIA HISPAN ET IND REX.» In English, «Carlos III by the grace of God, King of Spain and the Indies.»
Historical inaccurate on many accounts. The Patriot War of 1811 Spain did nothing to help the situation & aided the British, Savages and Run away slaves whom Spain armed to do raids on farms and paid the bounty to get the scalp of one Patriot. Secondly miscegenation is a permanent sin that can’t be forgiven or undone and a form of what we call Cultural Marxism. Even a Spanish Couple born in Spain who had children in Mexico were down graded to Creole although they were not mixed. They had a hyiarchy. Spain is a dogshit leftist Country heavily mixed, Mexico and much of Cental & South America is worse ofcourse. Spain is barely European at this point. Spain pumped and dumped alot of black slaves into the USA we have nothing to thank them for. Maybe a few individuals but as a whole no. The Founder’s weren’t very fond of Spain either just another irrating crumbling empire like Great Britain. Manifest Destiny rules the day USA#1
The k-5 school I went to in SoCal in the 1970’s was 95% White, now it is 85% Hispanic [according to government records].
How would you feel if your hometown in Mexico or one of the other Hispanic countries were demographically replaced like that?
I have to seek out English speaking workers in stores to ask a question. I am tired of the «I no speak English» when seeking help.
I just wish people would put themselves in the American citizens place for once.
In 1492 Queen Isabella deported the Jewish community from Spain the «Marranos», the Sephardi Jews who would not follow Catholicism. Hispanics are decendants of those Jewish families, who have in their soul the desire to seek the One true single God. Many hispanics coming into the US will seek the conservative Judeo-Christian values. God is allowing this because many American’s are abandoning the faith, going after heathen gods, perverting God’s Word. Overall, it will be positive dor America, if not immediately seen as a blessing.